Canada’s Incompetent Dictatorial Liberal Government Proves Why DeFi and DEX’s Are Needed

February 21, 2022 8:59 pm Published by Leave your thoughts


In recent events. The Canadian liberal government under the leadership of Justin Trudeau enacted the war measures act. This is something that has been only used in WW1 and WW2. This act grants the federal government the following powers:

(a) censorship and the control and suppression of publications, writings, maps, plans, photographs, communications and means of communication;

(b) arrest, detention, exclusion and deportation;

(c) control of the harbours, ports and territorial waters of Canada and the movements of vessels;

(d) transportation by land, air, or water and the control of the transport of persons and things;

(e) trading, exportation, importation, production and manufacture;

(f) appropriation, control, forfeiture and disposition of property and of the use thereof.



All of this over a peaceful protest happening in Ottawa to fight against covid mandates.

I previous posts, I have discussed these events and how they would get worse. And now they have.


So what now?


As of now the Canadian government has the right to full dictatorship abilities. They also have the ability to use this power against anyone who dissents against them in any way. So if you support the trucker protests, the government can:

  • Censor you and any material you produce. They can also seize any means of production that allows you to make and distribute content you create.
  • Arrest and detain anyone they feel like, without a warrant and without reason.
  • Control all transportation within Canada at will and infringe on peoples right to free movement.
  • Freeze bank accounts.
  • Seize any money they see fit.
  • Freeze/block any trade it sees fit.
  • Seize any land and reappropriate it for any reason they see fit.

In other words, the Canadian government is now fully a dictatorship. One that can take anything it wants from you. Including your land, money, bank account and any other property it sees fit. This can include computers, servers, electronic devices used to create content against them, cars and vehicles and so on. The government will use these powers against their opposition. Their supporters will turn a blind eye.

They will also try to make it permanent:


This is war

Up side down Canada flag

I have time and time again tried to tell people that this is what a cold civil war looks like. It starts with things like resentment and hatred (as we can remember back when Trump was president. All leftist groups were up in arms against any moderate and right of centre groups). News stations like CNN and other leftist ran publications containing polarizing and inflammatory propaganda 24/7. Which lead to Trump derangement syndrome, an obsession. Which lead to cancel culture and persecution resulting in the loss of jobs, ruining of lives and even jailing’s (which can be considered political imprisonment). This lead to social media companies censoring people, censoring the internet. Single handedly creating a monopoly on “the truth” with “fact checkers”. Which now leads to this. Laws being enacted under the guise of covid19 and “safety” but in reality being weaponized against anyone who disagrees with the government.

The longer this is left to go on, the harder it will be and the more force it will take to get out. This is the kind of stuff that historically, tends to keep spiralling further and further into a pit that can never be climbed out of. At which point the only way out would be a hot war. For the readers that live in other western countries. Understand that this is likely coming your way. It will likely take the form of some other law or decree but it might come your way nonetheless.


It’s time to admit the truth

Believe it or not. Canada (along with other western nations like Australia) are on the spectrum of the 10 stages of genocide. As both leftist governments and their supporters insist on saying inflammatory and divisive words. Even words inciting violence against people who are against the mandates, forced vaccines and lockdowns.

‘These people – very often misogynistic, racist, women-haters, science deniers, the fringe.’ – Tredeau

stages 4 and 4


Also in recent events, the Ottawa police along with the RCMP used mounted police to trample a crowd of protestors:

The police have also attacked and shot tear gas canisters at protestors and press here:

These are clear acts of a tyrannical government against its citizens. In all of the footage I have seen, it is the leftist government and their supporters aggressing on their dissenters.

It’s also ironic that leftists have been calling anyone and everyone who does not agree with them things like “Hitler” and “dictators”. Yet here they are, doing just that. Demanding covid passports, lock downs, forced “vaccinations” and the stripping of civil liberties.

And in the twitter link above, the liberals clearly think it’s okay for them to protest, and violently at that damaging property, tearing down statues and injuring people. Which they did in the BLM protests. But think it’s not okay when conservatives protest loss of freedoms peacefully. Hypocrites.


This is why we need DeFi and DEX’s

If you live in Canada or any western country, you need to adopt the tools you will need to fight against this tyranny. I believe the best tools and the best chance to avoid escalating violence is to take the power to silence, block you financially, seize property and money and censor you in any way, away from those who would attempt it and this can be achieved with cryptocurrency and decentralized platforms such as Bitcoin, Sovryn, Odysee, LBRY and any other immutable and censorship proof platform available.

With DeFi and the DEX, no government can freeze your funds. They cant stop transactions. They cannot, by decree take your money or call your bank and force them to do anything. It is impossible. It is also impossible for any government to freeze Bitcoins. Don’t let them fool you. The Canadian government claimed they did this, it is a lie. What they did was try to block off ramps from a list of BTC, ETH and LTC addresses. This can easily be skirted.

If you are donating to any group that is going against the government’s narrative, do so using cryptocurrency and services like Tally Coin. The Canadian government along with their supporters of tyranny have been attempting to hack platforms like and dox the people who have donated.


DeFi and cryptocurrency is your tool to preserve your freedom, transact freely and support the causes you wish to. Platforms like Odysee are your tool to speak the truth and spread information freely.

I have said it many times on this site. Freedom and liberty is not something you ask nicely for. It is something you TAKE.


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This post was written by BlockAdvisor

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